NewsTrump's Ukraine aid halt hailed by Kremlin as peace move

Trump's Ukraine aid halt hailed by Kremlin as peace move

The Kremlin described Donald Trump's decision to halt American military aid to Ukraine as the best contribution to the cause of peace. Dmitry Peskov discusses Russia's relations with the USA.

Spokesperson for Wladimir Putin, Dmitri Peskow
Spokesperson for Wladimir Putin, Dmitri Peskow
Images source: © Getty Images | Contributor#8523328

Many of the reports provided by Russian media or government representatives are propaganda. They are part of the Russian Federation's information war.

The White House announced that all military aid to Ukraine has been suspended.

The decision by US President Donald Trump is seen as an ultimatum given to Kyiv and an attempt to force Volodymyr Zelensky to negotiate peace on American terms, according to international media commentary.

The Kremlin responds

The Kremlin has reacted to Donald Trump's decision and is already trying to use this situation to its advantage. "The normalization of Russian-American relations should involve freeing them from the burden of sanctions," said Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov at a press briefing.

Reuters reported that the United States is developing a plan to ease sanctions against Russia potentially.

Let us recall that on Wednesday, US President Donald Trump said during a press conference at the White House that sanctions against Russia will be lifted at some point. The American president did not specify which sanctions might be lifted.

"Our stance on sanctions is well known; we consider them illegal," said a Kremlin representative. At the same time, regarding progress in this matter, Peskov said that it is probably too early to say anything. "We have not heard any official statements," he added.

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