Rediscovering rice porridge: The simple fix for stomach woes
It's a classic that our moms knew well. A bowl of thick, white pudding served as a remedy for stomach problems and was one of the first dishes given to children. It's helpful to have the recipe written down because it might turn out to be a cure for all stomach troubles.
Rice porridge has somewhat fallen into oblivion. However, when moments of discomfort arise and your intestines start to gurgle dangerously, it proves to be a true salvation. A simple combination of ingredients works like a band-aid. It's also a great recipe for a healthy and nutritious breakfast, no matter your age.
Something for the intestines
When a storm brews in the intestines and the bathroom becomes frequently visited, it's worthwhile to use home remedies to calm the storm. Among them is the good old rice porridge.
Rice cooked into porridge breaks down into easily digestible simple sugars, which minimizes the burden on the digestive system. This makes it very effective when dealing with digestive problems or recovering from illness. Rice porridge soothes the irritated lining of the stomach and intestines, alleviating pain and discomfort.
Even though it's easily digestible, rice porridge provides the body with necessary energy in the form of carbohydrates. This is particularly important when feeling weak and needing energy to fight off an illness.
Recipe for rice porridge
Making rice porridge is really simple. Because of this, even when feeling weak, you can muster the last bit of your energy. Your intestines will be grateful for it. If you want to increase the calorie content while recovering, add some butter. When treating an upset stomach, omit this addition.
- 3.5 oz white rice
- 4.2 cups water
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 teaspoon butter (optional)
- Pour the rice into a pot, add water, and bring to a boil. If you’re using bagged rice, remove it from the bags before cooking.
- Add salt and reduce the heat to the lowest setting possible.
- Simmer on low heat for at least an hour. Stir the contents of the pot occasionally to prevent the rice from sticking to the bottom and burning.
- Finally, add butter and stir.
Serve the porridge warm. It's a natural and time-tested remedy for stomach issues. Enjoy!