FoodCooking rice in plastic bags: New study reveals health risks

Cooking rice in plastic bags: New study reveals health risks

Do you occasionally cook rice in a bag? You might be interested to know that it's not a very healthy solution. Scientific studies have finally confirmed what has long been suspected. And maybe we knew it... but it still feels a bit deceiving.

Cooking rice in plastic bags is a bad idea.
Cooking rice in plastic bags is a bad idea.
Images source: © Getty Images | David Tajlat

White grains are excellent for health and proper body functioning. There is only one tiny problem. Out of nowhere, rice producers decided to sell rice in an unusual form: divided into plastic bags. Many people didn't like this approach from the beginning.

Throwing plastic along with food into boiling water at first glance seems like an idea from the category of — to put it mildly — unnecessary. But do our concerns reflect the facts? Unfortunately, yes. Scientific studies confirm this. Their results ultimately confirmed the inevitable. Cooking rice in plastic bags is simply unhealthy.

Rice with added plastic

Even rice that isn't packed in bags but is of poor quality has a composition that's hard to praise. According to scientific research, such grains often contain microplastic particles: polyethylene, polypropylene, and polyethylene terephthalate. Meanwhile, packing it in plastic packaging is an actual crime.

First of all, when plastic bags are heated, chemicals migrate into the food enclosed in them. The situation becomes severe for the body when fat ends up in the pot with boiling rice. Just a bit of oil will cause the chemical compounds from the plastic to dissolve quickly, and we'll end up having risotto with bisphenol for dinner.

Before cooking rice, it's worth rinsing it. This way, we get rid of substances like arsenic.
Before cooking rice, it's worth rinsing it. This way, we get rid of substances like arsenic.© Canva | kuppa_rock

Rice in a bag: What are the risks?

The effects of regularly consuming rice cooked in a bag can be truly severe. According to scientists, this can include, among other things, negative impacts on the hormonal system, reproductive organ diseases, and fertility issues.

So, how should you cook rice? Besides getting rid of the bags, one thing is worth remembering. It's best to add the grains to less water than usual. This way, no health-beneficial substances will "escape," and we can enjoy their benefits for the body. About 1.5 cups of water is enough for a cup of grains. Of course, be careful not to burn it!

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