Never struggle to peel boiled eggs again with this kitchen hack
2:46 PM EDT, April 28, 2024
Boiling eggs seems simple, yet it can be as frustrating as any other kitchen challenge. Are we destined to struggle with eggs cracking in water or shells that are hard to peel? Thankfully, a simple trick can easily avoid these issues.
How can you make the eggshell easy to remove?
Nothing is more annoying than trying to peel an egg with a shell that stubbornly refuses to come off. This task can test the patience of even the calmest individuals. While the internet is flooded with various methods to tackle this issue, including the infamous "egg blowing" technique (which, frankly, is ineffective for stubborn shells), there is a simple trick that will allow you to peel eggs forever easily.
The trick is to boil eggs with two slices of lemon in the water. This makes the shell come off effortlessly and prevents the egg from cracking while boiling. Alternatively, you can use vinegar instead of lemon. It's also beneficial to begin peeling from the flatter end of the egg, where an air pocket usually facilitates the removal of the shell.