LifestyleUsing your dishwasher's eco mode can cut energy costs by 20%

Using your dishwasher's eco mode can cut energy costs by 20%

How to save money with a dishwasher?
How to save money with a dishwasher?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

9:03 PM EDT, July 15, 2024

Many people are trying to lower their household bills. Instead of turning everything upside down, we just need to make small changes to the appliances we already use. This is also the case with the dishwasher.

We can't escape dishwashing (even if we really want to). In many households, a dishwasher is used for this purpose, which greatly facilitates the whole process. However, some people believe that using it incurs huge costs. Is this really the case? Gwilym Snook from the British company AO, specializing in the sale of electronics, decided to debunk the myths on this topic in an interview with "The Sun."

how to lower bills using a dishwasher?

Not long ago, dishwashers could only be found in the homes of the really well-off. Nowadays, that has changed. It's been known for some time that using one not only saves time but also money. It turns out that by pressing one of the buttons, you can further prop up your budget.

"Using the eco function can save up to 20 percent of energy," said Gwilym Snook.

Many people mistakenly believe that because this mode often requires the dishwasher to work much longer, it is also more expensive. However, the expert admits that nothing could be further from the truth.

"In fact, every eco setting washes dishes at a lower temperature and uses less water."
Press on the dishwasher, and you'll save
Press on the dishwasher, and you'll save© Adobe Stock

is a dishwasher cheaper than hand washing?

Many people forgo buying a dishwasher, believing that using one will greatly deplete their finances. After all, the prices of such devices generally start at around $190. Additionally, there is also the cost of the water used, electricity, and the necessary detergents.

Gwilym Snook pointed out that these people are greatly mistaken, especially if someone washes with the faucet running daily.

"According to the Energy Saving Trust, hand washing dishes accounts for four percent of water use in an average household, while dishwashers account for only one percent."

Read also: Throw it into the hole in the dishwasher. "It will eat all the mold."

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