Sauerkraut juice: The immune-boosting drink you didn't know you needed
This juice boosts immunity and positively affects intestinal function, precisely what the body needs this time of year. Therefore, it's worth convincing yourself to try and enjoy its taste.
There is no doubt that sauerkraut is a great probiotic. However, many people remain skeptical about sauerkraut juice. It has a distinctive taste, but without a doubt, it is a natural health elixir. Thanks to its vitamin C and probiotics, it supports immunity and regulates digestive functions.
You'll get sick less often
Sauerkraut juice is one of those drinks that many of us are hesitant to try. It's worth changing that because it greatly boosts immunity, which is crucial this time of year. This juice can protect the body from various infections. This is largely due to vitamin C and E, known as the youth vitamin. Therefore, drinking sauerkraut juice regularly can improve the appearance of the skin.
Digestion will speed up
Another advantage of sauerkraut juice is its beneficial effect on the intestines. Its probiotic properties support its proper function. Due to its fermentation with natural strains of bacteria, sauerkraut juice promotes a healthy intestinal bacterial flora, which in turn facilitates digestion and prevents stomach problems. The juice enhances metabolism, helping to shed unnecessary pounds and cleanse the body of toxins and residues.
How much and how often should sauerkraut juice be consumed?
It is typically recommended to drink half a glass of juice a few times a week. However, it is best not to consume it on an empty stomach, as this can cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Additionally, there are a few contraindications to this regimen.
It may not be advisable for those with a sensitive digestive system or related illnesses. Other contraindications include stomach ulcers, kidney diseases, and sensitivity or allergy to histamine.
How to prepare sauerkraut juice?
Sauerkraut juice can be purchased at many discount and health food stores. It can also be prepared at home. Simply buy (or ferment yourself) sauerkraut. Then pour a small amount of water over it, add a pinch of salt, and leave it for 2-3 days in a cool, dark place. Once ready, strain the juice and store it in the refrigerator.
Prefer a quicker method? Put chopped sauerkraut into a blender, add a pinch of salt, a cup of cold water, and blend everything. If the taste is too intense, consider adding an apple or a carrot to the drink.