FoodPecan power: Superfood benefits of America's favorite nut

Pecan power: Superfood benefits of America's favorite nut

They look like well-known walnuts, but pecans come from a different continent. Native Americans appreciated them, and now all Americans enjoy them. They are valued not only for their taste but also for their health benefits. Can you guess which nuts they are?

Pecan trees can produce nuts for up to 300 years.
Pecan trees can produce nuts for up to 300 years.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Pecan nuts are the fruit of the edible hickory tree, which naturally grows in the United States. Native American tribes appreciated them long ago. Now they are also popular on other continents. You can easily buy them even in discount stores. It's worth trying them, although they are not a cheap snack.

The healthiest in the world

Pecan nuts have been recognized as some of the healthiest in the world. Their exceptional health properties are appreciated by dietitians. They contain a lot of nutrients and are not only a source of healthy fats but also provide plenty of vitamins and minerals that benefit the body. They contain zinc, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, magnesium, and iron, as well as vitamins A, C, E, K, and B1.

Ideal for high cholesterol

Pecan nuts positively affect reducing levels of "bad" cholesterol, which is crucial for a healthy circulatory system. Rich in antioxidants, they also help protect the body from diseases such as cancer and heart attacks. Equally significant is their effect on the nervous system. Thanks to the presence of magnesium, iron, and vitamin B1, they improve memory and concentration and help mitigate the effects of stress, especially irritability.

Suitable as a snack

Due to their unique taste and nutritional value, pecan nuts can be an excellent snack or addition to various dishes. They pair perfectly with oatmeal, millet, salads, or homemade bars, as long as they are not subjected to thermal processing, which destroys valuable nutrients.

Always in moderation

We always emphasize this when writing about nuts. They have a lot of nutritional value, but they are also calorie-dense. Therefore, moderation is always recommended. However, even a small handful daily can bring noticeable health benefits while maintaining a balanced caloric intake.

When you don't need to count calories, pecan nuts are also great for cakes and desserts. It's not without reason they are included in most American sweets. They have a sweet, buttery taste that pairs well, especially with cinnamon and honey.

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