FoodNatural drinks to ease heartburn: Remedies beyond the pharmacy

Natural drinks to ease heartburn: Remedies beyond the pharmacy

When you suffer from heartburn, you don't have to reach for pharmacy medications immediately. Home remedies, particularly drinks, can help alleviate the unpleasant symptoms.

Almond milk in a glass
Almond milk in a glass
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Most of us have experienced heartburn at least once. Its typical symptoms are burning in the esophagus, an acidic feeling, and discomfort. When it occurs occasionally, home remedies can be effective.

Burning, stinging, pain - Do you know these symptoms?

Heartburn is a burning sensation that usually starts behind the breastbone and can move up the esophagus. This unpleasant condition is caused by the backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus. It can be felt as a burning in the chest accompanied by an acidic taste in the mouth.

Heartburn most often occurs due to the weakening of the lower esophageal sphincter, which allows stomach acid to backflow. The main causes include obesity, pregnancy, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and eating large amounts of fatty and spicy foods. It's also worth noting that stress can worsen heartburn symptoms.

How to avoid heartburn?

Not only lifestyle but also certain medications can contribute to heartburn. Factors that promote heartburn include a diet rich in processed foods, carbonated beverages, chocolate, coffee, and fried foods. Eating large meals right before bed is another common cause of heartburn.

Heartburn manifests as a burning pain in the chest, which can worsen after eating or when lying down. This pain often radiates to the throat and can be accompanied by an unpleasant, acidic taste. In some cases, heartburn can lead to a chronic cough or hoarseness.

Helpful remedies for heartburn

If heartburn occurs occasionally, mostly due to overeating, it shouldn't cause major concern. Home remedies can effectively alleviate the burning.

Herbal teas. These should contain chamomile, licorice, slippery elm, ginger, or marshmallow root.

Fruit and vegetable juices. These should be low in acidity as they often contain natural compounds that can reduce reflux. Such fruits and vegetables include aloe, celery, carrots, honeydew melon, cabbage, beetroot, watermelon, spinach, cucumber, and pear.

Plant-based milk. Almond, soy, or oat milk can help neutralize stomach acid.

Water. It has a positive effect on digestion and the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine. This, in turn, should reduce heartburn symptoms.

Coconut water. It is a good source of electrolytes such as potassium. It also helps maintain pH balance in the body, which is crucial in managing heartburn.

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