FoodWhy pears are the ultimate fall fruit

Why pears are the ultimate fall fruit

The pear season is starting.
The pear season is starting.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

11:02 AM EDT, August 31, 2024

The end of summer and the beginning of fall mark the peak season for pears. Although you can get these fruits year-round, they are the tastiest now because they come from local orchards. Does this mean you can eat them to your heart's content? It's worth knowing how the body reacts to pears.

Pears are notable for their iodine content. This is a rare component in fruits, positively affecting thyroid function. They are also rich in many other minerals and vitamins. A lot of their nutritional value is hidden in their skins, so eating them unpeeled is beneficial.

Properties of pears

Pears have various nutrients that support health on many levels. They contain a large amount of fibre, which aids digestion and helps maintain a healthy weight. They are also a source of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, and vitamin K, essential for bone health. Pears also provide B vitamins, which are essential for proper metabolism. They contain minerals such as copper, potassium, and magnesium, which support heart health and regulate blood pressure. Thanks to antioxidants, pears help combat free radicals, reducing the risk of many chronic diseases.

Sugar levels don’t spike

Pears have a low glycemic index, making them suitable for people monitoring their blood sugar levels. Thanks to their fiber content, pears help stabilize blood sugar levels, which is particularly important for people with diabetes. Eating pears can also improve skin appearance thanks to the copper and vitamin C they contain, which support collagen production. They help maintain the body's electrolyte balance and support overall health.

Calories not for everyone

Besides having many nutritional benefits, pearls also contain a lot of water. Therefore, they are not very caloric. However, if you are on a weight-loss diet, it's better to be mindful of their quantity. There are about 57-60 calories in 100 grams of fruit. One pear weighs about 6 ounces, so it has approximately 100 calories.

How many pears can you eat daily?

Pears are delicious and nutritious, but you shouldn’t overeat them thoughtlessly. So, how many pears can you eat daily? It depends on your planned meals. On average, it's good to eat 1.1 pounds of fruits and vegetables each day, and the dose recommended by nutritionists is even 1.8 to 2.6 pounds. Fruits should make up 40% of this portion. If pears are the only fruit you will eat that day, you can allow yourself 4-5 pieces. However, this is a general portion. It’s worth aiming for a varied diet and eating different fruits.

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