Tips&TricksHoney Allergy Realities: Unveiling the Sweet Truth Behind Reactions

Honey Allergy Realities: Unveiling the Sweet Truth Behind Reactions

This "liquid gold" has long been regarded as a natural remedy that boosts immunity, especially during the fall and winter. Many search for the most authentic, non-counterfeit versions, while others add a teaspoon to every beverage. But is it possible to be allergic to honey? According to doctors, there are no doubts.

Can you be allergic to honey?
Can you be allergic to honey?
Images source: © Getty Images | d3sign

For centuries, honey has been championed as a natural medicine. Even today, advice abounds not to skimp on it if health is a priority. Our grandmothers and mothers treasured a jar of real honey, recognizing it as a treat that must be worth its price. But is honey a strong allergen? Many would struggle to believe that such a revered remedy could trigger allergies.

Can you be allergic to honey?

Allergies to pollen, dust, and other airborne substances are commonplace. Yet, being allergic to honey piques considerable interest and affects certain individuals. Those with respiratory system issues, such as asthma or hay fever, and people with food intolerances are particularly sensitive. Statistics show this rare allergy type, which may explain why it's seldom discussed.

You might wonder how honey can cause allergies; it's largely due to the pollen it contains. This pollen, often from sunflowers, dandelions, goldenrods, and wormwoods, can provoke allergic reactions in those already sensitive to flower pollens during the spring and summer. Furthermore, allergic responses can occasionally be triggered by spores of fungi or proteins produced by bees and bee venom. The types of honey most likely to cause allergies include multi-floral and honeydew varieties.

Which honeys are best for allergy sufferers?

For enthusiasts, being allergic to honey can seem like a real catastrophe. If you find yourself in this predicament, you have two options: avoid honey altogether or try desensitization, a method growing in popularity. Common signs of a honey allergy, such as swelling, rash, digestive issues, runny nose, or cough, should raise concerns.

Honey desensitization performed several months before pollen season under the supervision of a specialist, involves administering very small amounts of honey to the allergic individual, slowly increasing the body's tolerance. The best honey varieties for allergy sufferers include acacia, canola, thyme, lavender, and forest.

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