FoodDrinks to avoid during heatwaves: Caffeine, alcohol, and sugar

Drinks to avoid during heatwaves: Caffeine, alcohol, and sugar

When temperatures dangerously rise, we drink more than usual. That's good, but only if we choose our drinks appropriately. Some can even lead to dehydration. It's essential to avoid those that facilitate and increase water loss. You probably know the ones that made it onto this list.

What not to drink in summer to avoid dehydration?
What not to drink in summer to avoid dehydration?
Images source: © Adobe Stock | serhii5470

In the summer, especially during heatwaves, we must pay attention to what we drink. Some drinks can dehydrate the body instead of hydrating it. Which ones should we avoid?

What not to drink during heatwaves?

During high temperatures, it's crucial to stay properly hydrated. Unfortunately, not all drinks help with this. On the contrary, some can cause dehydration. It's particularly important to watch out for those that contain caffeine, alcohol, or high amounts of sugar. Caffeine and alcohol are diuretics, increasing fluid loss, which can lead to dehydration. Drinks high in sugar can cause hyperglycemia, negatively affecting water balance.

Effects of dehydration

Drinking such drinks during heatwaves can lead to serious electrolyte imbalances and dehydration. Symptoms include dry mouth, intense thirst, headache, fatigue, and decreased urine output. It's important to hydrate regularly, not wait until thirst appears. The most important thing is to drink adequate water in smaller portions throughout the day.

The effects of dehydration can be very troublesome.
The effects of dehydration can be very troublesome.© Adobe Stock | Robert Kneschke

Alcohol during heatwaves? Don't even think about it

Alcohol is the worst idea on hot days. It doesn't cool you down; on the contrary, it can lead to dehydration. Alcohol acts as a diuretic, increasing the amount of fluid expelled from the body. This applies not only to cocktails or wine but also to beer. The alcohol in these drinks can disrupt the body’s thermoregulation processes. In extreme cases, drinking alcohol during heatwaves can lead to severe health problems such as heatstroke or heart issues. Opting for non-alcoholic beverages during hot days is better; they will hydrate and cool the body more effectively.

Caffeine in the hot summer? Control its intake

It's also advisable to limit coffee and tea consumption during heatwaves. Coffee's caffeine acts as a diuretic, accelerating bodily fluid loss. This results in a significant loss of water and electrolytes, potentially leading to dehydration. This is also true for tea, especially black tea, which contains considerable caffeine. Green tea is commonly believed to be healthier, but it can also negatively impact water balance. Although green tea has antioxidant properties, its diuretic effect is not beneficial on hot days.

Without sugar and carbonation

And what about sweet carbonated drinks? They contain a high amount of sugar, which can contribute to hyperglycemia, often leading to dehydration. When blood sugar levels are high, the body tries to dilute it, increasing the need for water and potentially leading to more frequent urination. Additionally, the carbonation in these drinks causes bloating and digestive discomfort. Therefore, during heatwaves, it's better to avoid carbonated drinks in favor of water, isotonic drinks, or natural fruit juices that hydrate the body better and provide essential electrolytes.

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