NewsZelensky urges global aid to limit Russian threat as key summit looms

Zelensky urges global aid to limit Russian threat as key summit looms

- If our partners lifted all restrictions on long-range capabilities, Ukraine would not have to physically enter the Kursk region to protect Ukrainian citizens in the border area and destroy Russia's aggression potential, - stated Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

In the photo, Zełenski
In the photo, Zełenski

Zelensky delivered a speech on the occasion of the annual meeting of foreign diplomatic mission heads. The President of Ukraine raised five issues, including the ongoing action in the Kursk region and the support needed from other countries.

At the beginning, Zelensky conveyed that Ukrainian fighters continue defensive actions in designated areas of the Kursk region. He noted that Ukrainian forces control over 483 square miles of enemy territory and 92 settlements.

- Strengthening our positions, stabilizing the designated areas, and replenishing the exchange fund (of prisoners - ed.) is ongoing. This action has become our biggest investment in liberating Ukrainians from Russian captivity - in one operation, we have already captured the largest number of Russian prisoners. This is one of our goals, and our actions continue, - he said.

Zelensky emphasized that he cannot yet publicly disclose which units were involved in the action, but he expressed thanks to each of them.

According to Zelensky, "a few months ago, many people around the world would have said that this is impossible and that it would cross the most stringent of all red lines." He explained that for this reason, practically no one knew about the preparations until the last moment.

- And now the real success of our fighters speaks for itself. Our active actions abroad, as well as Putin's inability to defend his territory against our actions, are very telling. Our proactive, preventive defense is the most effective counterweight to Russian terror, causing significant difficulties for the aggressor state, - he enumerated.

Zelensky stated that thanks to this, "the entire naive, illusory concept of so-called red lines against Russia has collapsed."

- The world sees that everything in this war depends solely on courage - ours and our partners'. On brave decisions for Ukraine, on the courage in supporting Ukraine, and on brave steps - and not just ours. It is important that our partners align with us in their determination, and then Russia will have no choice but to conclude a just peace, - Zelensky stated, after which he smoothly transitioned to the five most important matters for him.

Five issues

First, he listed the approval to use long-range weapons. He announced that Ukrainian diplomats in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and other countries would influence partners on this issue.

- Putin's reaction to the operation in the Kursk region proves that there is no rational reason not to allow us to be truly strong. And the situation in the Donetsk region is such that further delays (in approval to use long-range missiles - ed.) become de facto one of the most important pillars of Russian offensive potential, - Zelensky stated.

Next, Zelensky called for even greater sanctions on Russia.

- The sanctions already imposed by the world have indeed significantly limited the economy and capabilities of Putin's regime. However, Russia's relations with some regimes, e.g., in Pyongyang and Tehran, create new sources of threats, and not just for us. The Russian nuclear industry is still being used by Moscow to maintain its spheres of influence around the world. The Russian banking sector still maintains ties with the global system, - the President of Ukraine admitted.

As the third point, Zelensky mentioned the need for support from partners - he listed military, financial, and political issues.

- You all know that we can produce significantly more drones than we currently have the resources for. We are also constantly increasing the production of Ukrainian artillery. We are working on ammunition production. Now in the countries where you work, budget processes will be ongoing, and your task will be to convince our partners of the necessity of further investments in our common security, - he appealed.

The fifth issue he mentioned is the peace summit. - We are now preparing for the second Peace Summit, and we must work to ensure it takes place this year. We must do everything for this purpose, - he admitted.

New ministry

Another issue he mentioned was the unification of Ukrainians, which he called a "painful problem."

In some parts of the world, there are more Ukrainians, in others, less, but we must recognize our nation as global because that is the reality. Therefore, we must modernize our state institutions to meet the current task of uniting all Ukrainians around Ukraine, strengthening Ukraine's defense, and strengthening our position in the world. To achieve this, we must increase our institutional presence in partner countries, he listed.

Zelensky announced that this would happen in two ways. First, new consulates will be opened, including in Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and France. Second, the Ministry of Ukrainian Unity and Countering Russian Influence on Ukrainians Abroad will be established.

- We all see how Russia uses vast propaganda resources abroad, especially attacking Ukrainians [...] We also see that the educational, cultural, and informational needs of Ukrainians in other countries require greater activity from our state. And this is fundamentally a new task for Ukraine, - he explained.

At the end of his speech, Zelensky said that "every representative of Ukraine should work on strengthening the understanding that NATO will only be complete with Ukraine as a member." Meanwhile, negotiations with the European Union must be dynamic. The President of Ukraine also spoke about the Black Sea region - in his opinion - it must be free from Russian military threat.

- Initiatives such as Grain from Ukraine, the Crimea Platform, and bilateral cooperation in the region must be strengthened, - he listed.

Zelensky also said that economic and security interactions with Africa and Latin America are needed. He cited what has been achieved with Japan as an example.

- The entire Asia-Pacific region is currently one of the centers of events that will decide the shape of the coming decades. Ukraine has its own view on global development and it should be exclusively peaceful development within a principles-based world order. Ukraine is ready to contribute to appropriate processes as a security donor and defender of international order. We will strengthen our diplomatic presence in the Asian region, - Zelensky summarized.

In conclusion, he expressed gratitude to everyone who truly works with all their might for the Ukrainian state and nation.

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