NewsZelensky sees different challenges in reclaiming Crimea and Donbas

Zelensky sees different challenges in reclaiming Crimea and Donbas

Sincere words of the president of Ukraine. Will they reclaim their lands?
Sincere words of the president of Ukraine. Will they reclaim their lands?
Images source: ©

1:31 PM EST, November 30, 2023

President Volodymyr Zelensky is of the opinion that reclaiming Crimea will be easier, considering no military actions were initiated there. However, his optimism dwindles when it comes to Donbas, another region Ukraine lost control of in 2014.

The war in Donbas has raged since April 2014. Russian-backed separatists incited the conflict, which has endured for the last eight years. The Minsk Agreements merely put a hold on the escalation of military actions in this region, but they failed to terminate the clashes between the Ukrainian army and the separatists from the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic backed by Moscow.

Prior to 2014, Donbas contributed to 16 percent of Ukraine's GDP. It also made up 25 percent of Ukraine's total exports. Understandably, Volodymyr Zelensky is determined to recover this crucial economic sector at any cost.

During a discussion with students from Mykolayiv, Ukraine's President openly addressed the issue of reclaiming Ukrainian territories.

"Currently, Russia and the separatists are in combat against us. However, there were no military actions in Crimea, leading me to believe that the region is looking forward to its return to Ukraine. Although reclaiming Donbas presents a significant challenge, as this territory has been occupied and heavily militarized," Zelensky stated, as quoted by "Ukrainian Pravda".

It's interesting to note that Donbas bears similarity to our Silesian or Lublin provinces. The documented coal resources in the Donbas basin, spanning an area of approximately 19305 sq miles (rounded), are around 55 billion tons.

Russia's brutal attack continues

The fierce war in Ukraine has lasted for over 600 days. Russian aggressors targeted three towns: Pokrovsk, Novohrodivka, and Myrnohrad on the night of November 29 to 30, reducing buildings to rubble. Five individuals, including a child, were sought amid the debris. The Russians deployed six S-300 missiles during the assault.

"The attack resulted in a family with two children, a 16-year-old and a six-month-old, being injured. A 13-year-old boy was also affected. Preliminary investigations show damage to a residential block and nine private buildings, including a police station, vehicles, and garages," police reported on Telegram.
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