LifestyleYou're doing this wrong. The dermatologist suggests how much cream to apply to the face

You're doing this wrong. The dermatologist suggests how much cream to apply to the face

Most women don't attach importance to this. However, it turns out that the amount of products applied to the face is very important. This applies to both cleansing gel, regular moisturizing cream, as well as serum or SPF. The dermatologist, who is active online, gave specific guidelines.

The dermatologist talks about the appropriate amounts of products applied to the face.
The dermatologist talks about the appropriate amounts of products applied to the face.
Images source: ©

Proper skin care requires a lot of specialized knowledge. Which products should we use, and which should we avoid? We often only become convinced of their effectiveness "in the wash", even though we try to read the information on the packaging carefully and choose cosmetics according to skin type. However, it turns out that the amount of product applied to the face at one time is equally important.

The famous dermatologist Dr. Sam Bunting clarified this issue on her Instagram, followed by as many as 135,000 people. Her posts are packed with professional knowledge, and so they are very useful for women, who can use it for free. Dr. Bunting explained the amount of facial cleanser, moisturizer, SPF cream, eye cream, and day and night serum that should be applied to the face.

How much of the cosmetic should be applied to the face?

So let's get down to specifics. Dr. Sam Bunting advises to cleanse your face with a gel in an amount roughly the size of a coin. When it comes to moisturizing cream and serum for day and night, the length of a fingertip is enough.© Instagram

In the case of eye cream, the appropriate amount is a pea-sized amount. However, for many people, it may come as a surprise that the cream with SPF filter is the one you should apply the most of, as much as two finger lengths.

Golden rules

Why is it worth sticking to these rules? In the case of applying too many products to the face, we are primarily wasting money, but we may also cause skin irritation - especially if the serum contains some active ingredient - and this is often the case. On the other hand, too little cosmetic will make it not bring the desired effects.

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