NewsYoungest UK murderers sentenced: Parents call it too lenient

Youngest UK murderers sentenced: Parents call it too lenient

Two 12-year-olds killed a 19-year-old with a machete in the United Kingdom. Pictured is the victim, Shawn Seesahai.
Two 12-year-olds killed a 19-year-old with a machete in the United Kingdom. Pictured is the victim, Shawn Seesahai.
Images source: © west midlands police

11:14 AM EDT, September 28, 2024

Two boys went to the park and, for unknown reasons, murdered a random teenager with a machete. At the time of the crime, they were only 12 years old. They have now become the youngest murderers in the history of the United Kingdom. Today, the 13-year-old perpetrators heard their sentences. The parents of the 19-year-old victim claim that the sentences are definitely too lenient.

The two boys were only 12 years old when they murdered 19-year-old Shawn Seesahai using a 16-inch machete. The brutal attack took place in a park in Wolverhampton in November 2023.

According to the "Daily Mail", after the attack, the perpetrators fled to one of their homes, where they played video games and communicated over Snapchat. Meanwhile, the severely injured Seesahai was still fighting for his life.

One of the perpetrators was obsessively passionate about knives. He posed for photos with a machete in his pants just an hour before the murder. A recording from his phone shows him sending a picture with the caption "Prison Freestyle".

Fateful day and course of the crime: "Only you know this"

During the month-long trial, evidence included clothing from both boys and the murder weapon. The clothes were covered with the victim's blood, confirmed by DNA tests.

It turned out that the first boy bought the machete from a friend for 50 dollars and kept it under his bed. On the day of the murder, he returned from school, took the murder weapon, and went to meet the second boy and several other friends.

19-year-old Seesahai had returned to a bench by the field where he had been sitting earlier. The spot was then occupied by the 12-year-old perpetrators. The teenager asked the boys to move. That's when the tragedy occurred.

The victim was hit with the machete in the back, legs, and skull, and was also beaten. The fatal blow was to the back, which pierced the lungs and heart. The wound was 9 inches deep and almost went through the entire body.

I'm not sure which of you stabbed Shawn in the body. Only you know this. You acted together to kill him. Both of you are responsible for his death — said the judge when announcing the sentences.

The youngest murderers in the United Kingdom: Controversies surrounding the court's verdict

The accused were placed in Her Majesty's institution, which is the legal equivalent of a life sentence for minors. Finally, the youngest murderers in the history of the United Kingdom will end up in juvenile facilities.

Theoretically, if they are deemed a threat to society, they may never be released from prison. However, if they make significant progress, are not considered a threat, and behave well, they will be released—provided they obtain the approval of the parole board—after reaching the age of 20.

I'm not satisfied. All the kids in the UK will see they only get 7 years and do the same — said the victim's distraught mother after the court announced the sentences.

A social tragedy

Seesahai's relatives, who followed the trial from Anguilla, did not hide their grief and horror. In a statement, they emphasized the tremendous loss the teenager's death was for the entire family.

Police and the prosecution point to the need for further action to prevent knife crimes, especially among juveniles.

It is our duty to work together to understand why young people carry weapons and take further steps to stop this — emphasized Police Chief Kim Madill.