AutosYou will pay for fuel with your finger. Mercedes' new system is already cyberpunk

You will pay for fuel with your finger. Mercedes' new system is already cyberpunk

"Mercedes pay+ is a real revolution in terms of payments"
"Mercedes pay+ is a real revolution in terms of payments"
Images source: © Press materials | © Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG

10:28 AM EDT, September 28, 2023, updated: 9:18 AM EDT, October 5, 2023

The new Mercedes pay+ system looks like it's straight out of a science-fiction movie. But it's reality. From our car, we will be able to pay, for example, for fuel, with our fingerprint.

You pull up to the gas station, walk up to the pump, and start refueling. The nozzle locks, you've filled the tank to the brim. But instead of going to the cashier and waiting in line to be served, you just get back into your car, press your finger on the scanner and... paid — you can drive on! Is this science fiction? No — it's a new system just introduced by Mercedes.

The Mercedes pay+ option was created in cooperation with Mastercard and will initially be available only in Germany. Our car will become a terminal, and a fingerprint reader integrated with the infotainment system will allow for payment verification. We will not have to go to the cashier or enter a PIN - just a finger touch and we can continue driving.

Mercedes prides itself on being the first in the world to introduce such technology into mass-produced cars. This was preceded by studies, which showed that as many as 60 percent of customers in the 18-39 age range would be willing to pay for refuelling from the level of the infotainment system.

"Mercedes Pay+ is a real revolution in terms of payments"
"Mercedes Pay+ is a real revolution in terms of payments"© Press materials | © Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG

Already now, at the commencement of the entire program, there are as many as 3600 gasoline stations available throughout Germany. Despite the fact that the technology used in cars is provided by Mastercard, Visa cards issued in Germany are also respected. Mercedes already announces that the Mercedes pay+ system will not only be extended to other services, but also to other European markets.

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