Woman sentenced to death by court, reported by husband
An Iranian court has sentenced a woman to death by stoning for adultery, as reported by Iranian media. She was reported by her own husband, who testified that he saw his wife with another man at their home.
As reported by the "Associated Press", citing Iranian press media, the woman was a personal trainer at a women's gym in Tehran.
Iran's death penalty: Wife reported by husband
The husband reported his wife to the police in 2022, accusing her of adultery. He discovered his wife's purported infidelity from surveillance cameras installed at their residence. The recordings allegedly showed his wife in adulterous activities.
An Iranian court announced on Wednesday, November 1, that the woman had been sentenced to death by stoning. Under Iranian law, she has the right to appeal this sentence.
After the sentencing announcement on Wednesday, U.N Secretary-General António Guterres commented on the matter. Quoted by "Associated Press", Guterres stated that Iran executes people at an "alarming rate".