LifestyleWoman finds Christmas tree teeming with spiders, turns festive joy into horror

Woman finds Christmas tree teeming with spiders, turns festive joy into horror

She experienced a nightmare when she wanted to take down the Christmas tree.
She experienced a nightmare when she wanted to take down the Christmas tree.
Images source: © Adobe Stock, TikTok | Violentlyblonde

8:39 AM EST, January 6, 2024

For many, decorating a Christmas tree is a delightful activity, transforming a house or apartment into a festive wonderland. However, the task of disassembling the tree is less delightful. It involves removing the ornaments and vacuuming the often-falling needles if the choice was a real tree.

A woman who goes by "Violentlyblonde" on TikTok decided to dismantle her tree too. Unexpectedly, she encountered something she would likely remember for her entire life.

The sight drew tears and incited panic

As "Violentlyblonde" began taking down the Christmas tree, a frightful sight startled her. It led her into a state of hysteria, and she started crying.

The anxious woman decided to record the entire event and share it with TikTok users. It became clear to her that this was a sign to avoid buying a live tree in future, as it was infested with spiders.

- It's completely covered in spiders! There are tiny spiders everywhere. I don't know what to do - she cried while showing the tree.

Responses from the Internet

A slew of comments appeared beneath the video. While some suggested she was overreacting and spiders aren't that frightening, the majority empathized with the woman's reaction. Some also shared their hair-raising experiences.

- Once, I discovered a spider in my apartment right after showering. With wet hair and a loose shirt, I hopped in the car and drove 30 minutes to my mom's house - shared one commenter.

To prevent such situations, it's advisable to closely inspect a tree before bringing it home. Regular inspection of the tree during the holidays is also recommended to ensure no insects have nested there. Besides spiders, trees might harbor other insects or even cocoons that will hatch if not removed.

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