HealthWhy the white coating on plums matters this season

Why the white coating on plums matters this season

The plum season has started. Many of us will use plums to make cakes, desserts, or preserves. Before buying, pay attention to their skin.

What does the white coating on plums mean?
What does the white coating on plums mean?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

The plum season starts in August and ends in late September. These tasty, sweet, and nutritious fruits are rich in valuable nutrients. Many of us turn their flavor into juice, jam, or preserves to keep their flavor longer. Pay attention to their appearance if you use them in your kitchen. What does the white coating on plums mean?

Eat as often as possible. It's a source of many vitamins and minerals

Plums are a source of iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium. They also contain vitamins A, C, E, and those from the B group. Moreover, plums are rich in fiber, similar to many other fruits. Regular consumption of plums in moderate amounts brings many health benefits. People struggling with digestive issues should eat them as often as possible.

September is the perfect time to buy plums; they are the sweetest and most delicious. Many people also grow them in their home gardens or orchards; during this period, the trees are heavy with purple fruits. If you don't grow plums and buy them at the market or in the store, take a close look at them before purchasing. The white coating on the skin is a significant sign.

What does the white coating on plums mean?

Many varieties of plums grow in the US. Most of them have a characteristic white coating, a completely natural phenomenon that serves a very important function and indicates the quality of the fruit.

The white coating on plums acts as a filter that protects the fruit from harmful external factors and harsh environmental conditions. The "dusty" layer appears on every plum but wears off after washing or handling. Therefore, when shopping, it's worth choosing plums with a white coating, as it indicates their freshness.

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