Why mixing garlic with these common drugs could put your health at risk
For a long while, doctors have cautioned that combining certain medications with dietary supplements, or even plants with health-promoting qualities, could diminish the effectiveness of these drugs or lead to serious health repercussions. Therefore, to prevent this, all prescription drugs and other pharmacy preparations should be taken under the supervision of a specialist.
One common food item to be mindful of when undergoing pharmacological treatment is garlic. Among other things, it contains vitamin A, C, B group vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium, nickel, chromium, flavonoids, saponins, and amino acids.
Thanks to the numerous beneficial components it contains, garlic exhibits strong antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Furthermore, it's often hailed as one of the most effective natural antibiotics.
Regrettably, we cannot always fully reap the benefits of this vegetable. Experts warn that garlic should not be consumed with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that contain paracetamol. This combination could negatively affect the proper functioning of our liver, thereby exposing this vital organ to potential damage.
Pairing garlic with anticoagulant drugs is another risky combination. This mix can lead to unwanted bleeding in the body. Moreover, some substances found in garlic can lower blood glucose levels. Hence, patients taking hypoglycemic drugs should be wary of consuming garlic and avoid excessive intake in their daily diets.