White mulberry: Nature's secret weapon for weight loss and health
White mulberry is valued for its numerous health benefits, such as aiding in weight loss and lowering blood sugar levels. However, these are not its only beneficial properties.
White mulberry has been cultivated in Europe since the 11th century. Its fruits resemble blackberries in appearance and, depending on the variety, can be white, pink, red, or black. Leaf tablets, teas, and jams are available, but the benefits of its sweet fresh fruits are also worth remembering.
How does white mulberry affect weight loss?
White mulberry leaves are a valuable source of polyphenols, such as rutin, astragalin, and chlorogenic acid. They contain a compound called DNJ, which inhibits carbohydrate-processing enzymes, helping to lower blood glucose levels. Moreover, white mulberry components reduce cravings (including sweets).
White mulberry also contains quercetin, which exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Quercetin also helps reduce the amount of sorbitol in the body. This compound prevents the development of cardiovascular, eye, kidney, and nervous system disorders. Numerous scientific studies confirm that quercetin also supports weight loss.
White mulberry - what does it help with?
White mulberry has many medicinal properties. Dried white mulberry leaves help lower high blood pressure. The leaves also contain dietary fiber, protein, vitamin C, beta-carotene, oxalates, tannic acid, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and B vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. The sweet fruits of the mulberry improve intestinal function and alleviate symptoms of stomach and duodenal ulcers.
Compounds found in white mulberry prevent atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, they effectively lower bad cholesterol levels, minimizing the risk of cholesterol deposits. Scientific studies confirm that the cyanidins found in white mulberry fruits prevent brain endothelial damage and help prevent Alzheimer's disease.
Contraindications for using white mulberry include pregnancy and breastfeeding. Another contraindication to taking white mulberry is an allergy. Despite these, for most people, the plant does not have harmful effects, so there is no need to fear it.