FoodWhip up a quick, protein-packed egg and farmer's cheese paste for a wholesome sandwich spread

Whip up a quick, protein-packed egg and farmer's cheese paste for a wholesome sandwich spread

Egg spread - Delicacies; source Canva
Egg spread - Delicacies; source Canva

12:02 PM EST, January 10, 2024

The fundamentals for egg paste are rudimentary: merely eggs and a binding agent like mayonnaise or yogurt. But if you’re in search of a paste that's packed with an additional supplement of calcium and protein, then surely this recipe will satiate your needs. It's a perfect spread for sandwiches, even children appreciate its mild flavor. Couple it with a serving of vegetables for a quick, colorful meal.

Egg Paste coupled with Farmer's Cheese

This version is a lighter take on the classic egg paste we're all familiar with. Cheese and eggs are replete with complete proteins, an array of minerals, fat-soluble vitamins, and calcium. It serves as a delightful variation for daily breakfasts and acts as an excellent alternative to traditional ham and cheese.


  • 7 oz farmer's cheese
  • 3 eggs
  • Salt and pepper
  • Chives

Steps to Prepare:

  1. Place the eggs in a pot and cover them with water. Add salt. Boil for 8-10 minutes from the time the water starts to bubble.
  2. Rinse the eggs with cold water and peel the shells off.
  3. Transfer them to a bowl and mash with a fork.
  4. Add the farmer's cheese (the entire package) and season with salt and pepper.
  5. Add chopped chives and mix thoroughly.

Serve the freshly prepared paste on bread or toast. Whole grain buns pair well with this spread, adding an extra dash of fiber.

How should you store the Egg Paste?

You can prepare the egg paste in larger quantities to last for two meals. Transfer the prepared spread into a container, seal it tightly, and refrigerate. This spread lasts a maximum of 48 hours in the fridge as it tends to spoil quickly. Nevertheless, it's usually most flavorful freshly made. Egg paste is a perfect shortcut to a tasty breakfast.

Enjoy the egg paste solo on a sandwich or incorporate chunks of vegetables to it: peppers, fresh or pickled cucumbers, or tomatoes. If you fancy an enriched sandwich, consider adding smoked salmon slices or diced avocado. To enhance the hue of the ready paste, you can optionally sprinkle a pinch of turmeric to achieve a bright, sunny color.
