LifestyleWhich side to use for baking? Even best cook can make mistake

Which side to use for baking? Even best cook can make mistake

Aluminum foil is a practical kitchen gadget that facilitates the baking of meat, fish, or vegetables, as well as grilling food products or storing them. You've certainly noticed that one side of the foil is matte, while the other is shiny. There's a reason for that.

Which side of the aluminum foil should be used for baking?
Which side of the aluminum foil should be used for baking?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

One shines, the other is matte. This is not without reason, as the sides of the aluminum foil - both the shiny and the non-shiny - serve different functions. Do you know how to use them correctly? See which side is suitable for baking, and which for storing food products.

Why is one side of aluminum foil dull?

For many people, it may be an interesting fact that aluminum foil was designed in such a way as to retain heat on one side and allow it to pass through on the other. The shiny side of the foil insulates the heat (reflects it), while the matte side of the aluminum foil allows it to pass (absorbs).

Thanks to these properties, aluminum foil is useful for storing food. If you want to extend the shelf life of food products, wrap them in aluminum foil so that the dull side is facing inward, and the shiny side is facing outward. This way, the product won't heat up and will have access to air. Thanks to aluminum foil, products retain their freshness for longer, and after placing them in the fridge, they will maintain a suitable temperature, which inhibits the growth of harmful microorganisms.

Which side of the aluminum foil should be used for baking?
Which side of the aluminum foil should be used for baking?© Pixabay

Which side of the aluminum foil should be used for baking?

It's different when using aluminum foil for cooking. Here, it's important to note that the shiny side of the aluminum foil should be facing inwards, and the matte side outwards. This arrangement helps retain the heat of the dish for a longer time and accelerates the baking process in the oven. How does this work in practice? The matte side of the foil, which will be on the outside, allows the heat to easily reach the inside of the parcel, but it can't escape because the shiny side blocks it.

However, remember that in some cases, aluminum foil should not be used. It is not suitable for placing inside a microwave, and it should not be combined with metal dishes. When you cover a metal bowl with aluminum foil, for example, a chemical reaction occurs, resulting in the release of compounds that cause a metallic taste in the stored dishes.

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