TechWB Warmate loitering ammunition stuns Russia: Overcomes anti-aircraft system Pantsir-S1 on home turf

WB Warmate loitering ammunition stuns Russia: Overcomes anti-aircraft system Pantsir-S1 on home turf

The Warmate is a loitering ammunition system developed by the WB Group. Videos showing its usage have been in circulation since the outbreak of war in Ukraine. However, the recent clips featuring the Polish technology taking the starring role are out of the ordinary.

Russian anti-aircraft system Pantsir-S1
Russian anti-aircraft system Pantsir-S1
Images source: ©

The footage reveals Ukrainians attacking Russian Pantsir-S1 self-propelled anti-aircraft systems with Warmates. Despite being designed to target numerous aerial threats, including terminators for loitering ammunition, the videos released by the Ukrainians prove Pantsir-S1 to be ineffective.

From the videos, you can witness Polish Warmates attacking fully operational anti-aircraft systems whose antennae - as noticed by the Defence 24 service - are rotating. This indicates that the Russian equipment was not caught off guard, like during a march or while positioning.

Clearly, WB Warmate loitering ammunition can capably approach and strike targets that, in theory, should fend it off. Additionally, Ukrainian reports claim that both Pantsir-S1 systems were attacked in the Belgorod region, suggesting they were most likely on Russian territory. Each set is estimated to cost between $20-30 million.

Also, if the onscreen message (No GPS Fix) is accurate, these attacks were executed despite an unavailable GPS signal. The footage cuts off right before the strike - not because the attack was disrupted, but because the communication of the Warmate nearing the target is obstructed either by the Earth's curvature or terrain obstacles.

WB Warmate – a Polish Loitering Ammunition

The Warmate is a loitering ammunition system designed by the WB Group. Its manufacturer emphasizes that it's a substitute for anti-tank guided ammunition. A single Warmate is small enough to be carried by one person. Once unpacked, it measures just over 3.2 feet in length and has a wingspan of 5.2 feet, while weighing approximately 11.7 lbs.

A standout feature of the Warmate is its adaptability to mount diverse warheads based on requirements, such as fragmentation-blasting, cumulative, or observation where a high-quality stabilized camera replaces the warhead. The Warmate can cover a range of about 18.6 miles, and it's estimated to sustain flight for 60 minutes.

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