Violinist joins mission to lure stranded orca back to the Pacific
A Violinist Steps into the Rescue Effort
Carol Love, a violinist from Nanaimo, British Columbia, is among the growing list of volunteers. On Thursday, April 18, Love ventured to use her musical talents to lure the orca, aiming to guide it through a narrow channel passing under a bridge to reach the Pacific. Love played her violin atop the bridge during the tide, hoping the similarity between her violin sounds, and orca calls would draw the young mammal nearer. "Many of the sounds of my violin are akin to those of orcas, so I hoped it would resonate with them and be persuaded to come closer," Love remarked, as quoted by CBC News.
The venture didn't achieve the desired outcome despite Love's effort and the momentary sighting of the orca near the bridge. The orca remained out of reach, thwarting attempts to net and relocate it to more suitable oceanic living conditions.