NewsVatican mediation secures the release of Bishop Álvarez and 18 clergymen from Nicaraguan detention

Vatican mediation secures the release of Bishop Álvarez and 18 clergymen from Nicaraguan detention

Vatican mediation secures the release of Bishop Álvarez and 18 clergymen from Nicaraguan detention

5:27 AM EST, January 15, 2024

The Nicaraguan government announced on Sunday that it had liberated the distinguished Catholic Bishop Rolando Álvarez and 18 additional clergymen, as reported by the American news agency, the Associated Press. It's reported that this decision was smoothed out via discussions with the Vatican. Among the clergymen released from confinement was Bishop Isidoro Mora.

The clergymen found themselves behind bars more than a year ago, a consequence of President Daniel Ortega's repressions, who is currently in conflict with opposition and the Catholic Church. Ortega blamed them for allegedly backing mass civic protests in 2018, AP reports. The politician argues that the protests were a plot concocted to overthrow him from power.

Bishop Rolando Álvarez was served a 26-year sentence for his supposed participation in this alleged conspiracy. However, he has regained his freedom. Last year, he declined to board an airplane headed for the United States as part of an agreement negotiated by the U.S. government. The President of Nicaragua stripped 222 prisoners who were sent to the United States of their citizenship.

Following a similar pact with the Apostolic Capital in October of the previous year, Ortega discharged several clergymen who were imprisoned on various allegations and had them sent to Rome. Since 2018, the Nicaraguan government has systematically stilled the voices of the opposition. The local congress ordered the shutdown of more than 3,000 non-governmental organizations, including Mother Teresa's charitable organization.

Source: AP

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