Tips&TricksVacuum cleaners as a deterrent? Unconventional ways to protect your home from thieves

Vacuum cleaners as a deterrent? Unconventional ways to protect your home from thieves

Thieves tend to be most active during vacation seasons and on long weekends and holidays when many homes are often left without inhabitants. Numerous preventative measures are available to you for effectively protecting your home when you're away. One of them is simply leaving a vacuum cleaner out in the open.

Before leaving, it's worth pulling the vacuum cleaner into the middle of the room.
Before leaving, it's worth pulling the vacuum cleaner into the middle of the room.
Images source: ©

How can a vacuum cleaner in the middle of a room detter thieves?

Wondering how a vacuum cleaner can deter a possible break-in? The reasoning is quite simple! Doing so creates the impression that you've only stepped out for a moment and will soon return. This tactic could work in two ways. Potential intruders might peek inside before attempting a forced entry if you reside in a detached house or a ground-floor apartment. Seeing an out-of-place vacuum cleaner might ward them off. Even if they don't see the appliance from the outside, encountering the machine inside might unsettle them with the possibility of an imminent return, prompting them to leave hastily.

What other preventive measures can you take against break-ins?

Leaving a vacuum cleaner in a room is a simple measure that requires no prior preparation. However, if you live in a house, there are additional precautions you could consider, for instance, during a renovation or while arranging your yard. One effective deterrent is installing a photosensitive light trigger near the entrance. The sudden light might scare off intruders. Additionally, scattering gravel around the house can prevent stealthy movement which will likely deter criminals.

Where should you secure your valuable belongings?

In preparation for your holiday or a few-day trip, securing your valuables and cash in safe hiding places would be a good idea. Below are several suggestions for locations where your items will be protected:

  • The safest, albeit the most costly option, is a home safe. Most burglars won't have the means to gain access.
  • Money and small jewelry can be concealed in a dark, opaque bottle. Placed amongst other alcohol bottles within the bar, it won't draw unnecessary attention.
  • Storing your valuables inside a box of cereal or rice will keep them out of sight. Just be sure to open it carefully to avoid damaging the box. Once it's sealed, place it among other food items in your pantry. Intruders likely won't consider your food stores as a potential hiding spot.
  • Covertly store your precious items in a small jar, and color the lid with a black marker. Submerge the jar in one of your houseplant pots and cover it with soil. It's highly unlikely thieves would consider inspecting such a place.

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