EntertainmentUtah mom with terminal cancer raises $900k for kids' future

Utah mom with terminal cancer raises $900k for kids' future

A mother of two children planned her own funeral.
A mother of two children planned her own funeral.
Images source: © gofundme

12:16 PM EDT, September 30, 2024

Erika Diarte-Carr, a 30-year-old mother from Utah, is struggling with a rare and incurable form of cancer. Doctors have given her three months to live, forcing her to make the painful decision of planning her own funeral. The "Independent" portal reported the tragedy of Erika and her family.

The dramatic story of Erika, mother of two children, began in May 2022, when she went to the emergency room due to shoulder pain. Initially, it seemed to be a regular injury, but the diagnosis she received completely changed her life. Doctors discovered numerous tumors that had spread to other parts of her body, including her skeletal system.

I hope you have a good support system at home because you’re going to need it, you have a long and hard journey ahead of you - Erika recalls the doctor's words.

Since then, Erika's life has drastically changed. Despite many treatments, biopsies, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, the progression of the disease could not be stopped.

In January 2024, she was diagnosed with Cushing's syndrome, a hormonal disorder that further worsened her health. This disease caused rapid weight gain, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and muscle and bone weakness.

That’s when I started to decline and things got worse – Erika recounted.

Despite her worsening health, Erika tried to lead an everyday life. As she said, she worked full-time while raising two children.

At most three months to live

After a visit to the oncologist on September 18, she decided to cease further treatment.

The doctor than proceeded to tell me that there were multiple tumors that had metastasized to other parts of my body including my skeletal, which is how we were able to find the tumor that was causing my shoulder pain – Erika confessed.

The 30-year-old mother from Utah was told that she has at most three months to live.

3 months to spend with my babies and loved ones. 3 months to make the best of what time I have left – she writes on the GoFundMe platform.

For the single mother, whose greatest priority is her children, this situation turned out to be the most challenging. Erika has two children – 7-year-old Jeremiah and 5-year-old Aaliyah. Faced with an inevitable future, she decided to focus on ensuring they have the best life possible after her passing.

During these next couple of months I need to make sure my kids will be ok after I am gone. I am faced now with the most difficult thing of planning my own funeral – she added.

Unexpected support and massive financial help

Although initially, Erika asked for $5,000 to cover the cost of her funeral, the overwhelming number of donors surprised her – over $900,000 were raised.

It happened overnight. I never expected that. I never expected to have a big funeral service, or a lot of people reach out and help me – she said in an interview with ABC News.

The collected funds will allow not only for the funeral costs but, most importantly, to secure her children's future. Erika announced that most of the donations would go into a trust fund for Jeremiah and Aaliyah.

They are my whole life, light and soul. My children are my fight and what keep me going – she wrote in the campaign description.

During these callous times, Erika focuses on spending her remaining time with her children and ensuring their secure future. The support of thousands of people, which exceeded her wildest expectations, has allowed her to take a moment to breathe.

Erika's story is a testament to a mother's extraordinary determination. Despite the hardest moments, she puts her children's well-being first.