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NewsUS to recognize a Palestinian state?

US to recognize a Palestinian state?

US to recognize a Palestinian state?
Images source: © GETTY | Anna Moneymaker

11:55 AM EST, February 1, 2024

Today, President Joe Biden is set to enact an executive order explicitly addressing the situation of Israeli settlers in the West Bank, according to information provided by a U.S. official to NBC.

Big change in seeing Gaza

In a related move, a top official within the administration has disclosed that there are ongoing deliberations regarding the United States potentially recognizing a Palestinian state. This step is being considered even before a comprehensive peace agreement is reached with Israel to put an end to the conflict in Gaza, highlighting a significant shift in U.S. foreign policy efforts in the region.

While many pro-Palestinian activists are cheering for the moves, there are voices of disbelief saying that it could be a forte. Nothing has come officially yet, so stay calm, say those skeptical about the USA's way of handling Gaza.

Source: NBC

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