NewsUnveiling the Underground: Israel Discloses Hamas's Secret Base

Unveiling the Underground: Israel Discloses Hamas's Secret Base

Unveiling the Underground: Israel Discloses Hamas's Secret Base
ed. PJM

9:39 AM EST, November 23, 2023

The Israel Army has uncovered a hidden Hamas headquarters located deep underground. Journalists were guided through a tunnel beneath Al-Shifa, the largest hospital in conflict-ridden Gaza. The subterranean complex, fully equipped, even included air conditioning.

Escorted by dozens of soldiers, media personnel navigated the slender, stony tunnel to bunkers tucked beneath the hospital, according to the Associated Press. The military estimates that the clandestine corridor could stretch up to 492 feet. The exploration of Al-Shifa Hospital revealed an intricate underground bunker complex.

The journalists discovered living quarters at the end of the tunnel. The reports described a shelter equipped with a kitchen, bathroom, and metal beds. The rooms were lined with once white, now rusty, tiles and equipped with air conditioning. The site seemed to have been abandoned for some time.

Israel has frequently alleged that this Islamic militant group uses Gaza hospitals for military purposes. Beneath Al-Shifa, the largest of such facilities, Hamas was suspected of concealing a command center. Though this sensitive location hasn't been publicly disclosed, the army regards it as a significant find. Both Hamas and the hospital administration, however, have rebuffed Israel's claims.

"Al-Shifa Hospital is the largest medical facility in Gaza and concurrently the biggest site for Hamas's activities," stated Counter Admiral Daniel Hagari, the chief spokesperson for the Israeli army. The military further clarified that this was indeed the location of the Hamas command.

The Israeli army rigidly oversaw the journalists' visit to Gaza. One Associated Press reporter noted encountering weary Palestinians along the way, gathering their possessions, presumably in preparation for evacuation.

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