Unusual mosquito magnet: Does your favorite soap seduce summertime pests?
Scientists conducted research on these annoying insects. They confirmed the common belief that some people attract mosquitoes more due to their distinct smell, making them significantly more prone to bites.
Interestingly, this effect can be mitigated, and according to experts, everyday soap can play a key role in this process. Evidently, this product, specifically those from certain manufacturers, has a profound effect on mosquito behavior.
"Everyone has a unique scent, even after using soap. Physiological state, lifestyle, diet, and travel can all affect the way you smell", explains researcher Dr. Chloe Lahondere.
Scientists also underscore that the use of certain cosmetics can cause our scent to evolve, depending on their chemical composition. It can either make us more attractive or completely repellent to mosquitoes.
As Dr. Vinauger explains, just washing with soap alters our scent:
"What truly matters to a mosquito is not the most abundant chemical substance. Instead, it's specific associations and combinations of chemicals, not only from soap, but also from our unique body odors."
When evaluating the impact of soaps on mosquitoes, experts recommend primarily checking the cosmetic's ingredients. A component contained in many soaps, limonene, typically repels these insects, but one exception exists.
This relates to Dove soap. Despite containing limonene, it attracts mosquitoes. On the other hand, scientists have found that cleaning products with a touch of coconut scent are deterring to mosquitoes.
Also Worth Reading: Best $8 spent: Lovely scent and... no mosquitoes!