EntertainmentUnusual airport find: Woman travels with her own heart

Unusual airport find: Woman travels with her own heart

They detained a woman at the airport. They found a human heart in her suitcase.
They detained a woman at the airport. They found a human heart in her suitcase.
Images source: © Canva

1:03 PM EDT, June 20, 2024

An extraordinary situation occurred at an airport in Australia. The facility's security detained one of the passengers during baggage inspection. The woman was traveling with a very unusual "item" in her suitcase.

Airport employees regularly deal with passengers who attempt to travel with strange or illegal items. Weapons, chemical or toxic substances, and drugs - we hear about these quite often. However, no one expected the security personnel responsible for travelers' safety to handle a woman with her own heart in her carry-on baggage.

During her journey, Jessica Manning, a 30-year-old from New Zealand, found herself at an airport in Australia. Security became interested in her carry-on baggage when she wanted to board the plane. It turned out that the passenger wanted to transport her own heart in the bag. The airport employees were shocked when they saw the vacuum-packed organ with their eyes. Jessica Manning was detained for an hour for explanations.

The woman traveled with her own heart

Jessica Manning explained to the security guards why a vacuum-packed heart was in her bag. It turned out that her organ had not appropriately functioned since birth and had many defects. The woman had undergone over 200 surgeries throughout her life. Ultimately, due to various complications, doctors diagnosed her with, among other things, liver failure. They also decided a heart transplant was necessary.

The transplant performed on Jessica was a historic operation. She told the airport security that the procedure was essential to her and she couldn't part with the organ that belonged to her. That's why she decided to travel with it in her carry-on baggage. The airport staff determined that transporting properly secured organs (one's own) does not violate any regulations. The woman reached home with her heart alongside her.

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