HealthUnseen dangers lurking in your bag: Everyday items putting your child at risk

Unseen dangers lurking in your bag: Everyday items putting your child at risk

Everyday objects in the hands of our children can be dangerous.
Everyday objects in the hands of our children can be dangerous.
Images source: © Pixabay

10:09 AM EST, January 15, 2024

It's common to overlook the need to secure small everyday items amidst our daily routines. If these items fall into the hands of our children, they could unknowingly place themselves in a dangerous situation. A child often doesn't understand the purpose of many things, some of which could harm them.

Rescuers recommend securing your purse securely, as well as backpack or car compartments, where we frequently keep small items. These are places that young children like to explore in search of something new and interesting.

What items should you be cautious of? Here's a brief guide:

Medicines and blister packs with pills. Children often mistake these for sweets or lollipops, and accidental ingestion can be fatal. Always keep them out of children's reach, ideally in specially secured containers.

Disinfecting fluids. These are alcohol-based products that often contain various chemicals. They are intended for external use only, but if a child gets their hands on them, there's a risk they might ingest it. Ensure that dispensers and bottles are securely closed and hidden.

Nail files, scissors, and tweezers. While useful to adults, these items are sharp and pose a danger to children. Keep them in cases or packaging that are difficult for young ones to open, mitigating the risk of injury.

Keys to the house, car. These are typically sharp and heavy, with the potential to cause harm to a toddler just as any sharp-edged object can. They may appear to be toys or rattles, making them attractive to kids, but they're also quite dangerous.

Coins, batteries, and other small items. These items can easily end up in a child's mouth and potentially lodged in their esophagus, leading to severe choking and a life-threatening situation. At best, such incidents will result in an emergency visit to an ENT doctor.

Other items in your possession. Parents need to assess what items could potentially fall into their child's hands and pose a danger. It's important to prevent situations where this could happen.

It's worth noting that when caring for small children, prevention is one of the first steps to avoiding accidents or emergencies. If a parent is cautious and protects their child properly, the risk of danger decreases significantly. And it's crucial to bear that in mind.