LifestyleUnscrambling the misconceptions: chicken egg colors debunked and a simple freshness test

Unscrambling the misconceptions: chicken egg colors debunked and a simple freshness test

They are added to cakes, salads, and sandwiches. Eggs are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and protein. The market offers different types of eggs that vary according to the breed of chicken, size, and color.

What does the color of an egg say?
What does the color of an egg say?
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Leena Robinson

What can the eggshell tell us?

Despite prevalent discussions suggesting that light brown eggs are superior to white ones, and the latter are often deemed "artificial", the reality is quite different. The shell color does not influence the taste of the egg or its nutritional value.

Contrary to yolk color, the shell color does not depend on the hen's diet, but instead connects with their plumage. Consequently, the darker the chicken, the darker the eggshell. White chickens typically produce white eggs. All of this depends on the breed of the hen.

A simple test for the freshness of homemade eggs

Before eating a store-bought egg, it's advisable to verify its freshness to prevent unpleasant surprises in your dish. To do this, simply fill a glass with water and gently place the egg in it.

If the egg entirely sinks to the bottom, it is fresh and likely about three days old. An egg that is approximately a week old can be identified when its "bottom" or wider end, starts to gently float up in the water. As the egg ages, it will float higher in the water due to the growing air bubble inside it.

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