LifestyleUnmasking love's deceptions: UK dating coach reveals how to spot false relationship hopes

Unmasking love's deceptions: UK dating coach reveals how to spot false relationship hopes

"Daily Mail" reports on the story. The dating coach operates a popular TikTok account, @jacoblucas101, currently followed by 749 thousand Internet users—a number that continues to grow.

Dating Coach: These are three lies of men.
Dating Coach: These are three lies of men.
Images source: © Pixabay, TikTok | @jacoblucas101, @pasja1000

The expert is eager to provide relationship advice. He says he has applied these methods in his own relationships. In addition to being a TikTok influencer, he works personally with clients daily. Moreover, he authored a guide called "Her Dating Coach".

Beware! Here are three lies told by men who give false hopes for a permanent relationship

In one of his videos, Jacob Lucas dealt with the topic of three lies often told by men. He clarified that these deceptive tactics give women misguided hope for a lasting relationship when, in reality, the men harbor other intentions.

The dating specialist titled his clip: "Remember, you deserve better than someone who lies to you"

If a man does any of these things, leave him, he starts in the video.
If you've been dating him for over three months, and he says he's not ready for a relationship yet, that's a lie, warns the coach.

Lucas advises, "Remember, if a guy can't make up his mind about being with you after three months, he's a low-value man, because he proves he's indecisive."

The coach also advises to stay observant, and see if the partner's actions align with his words. Warning! If he verbally assures you he loves you but doesn’t want to commit, that's a serious red flag.

The reason he said "I love you" is merely to give you false hope, he emphasizes.

Thirdly, he advises, "If he enjoys boyfriend privileges without actually having the title and wishes to take advantage of you, he'll claim it's simply not the right time in his life for a relationship."

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