Tips&TricksUnlock your Zamioculcas plant’s potential with three simple steps for abundant bloom

Unlock your Zamioculcas plant’s potential with three simple steps for abundant bloom

Devoted plant lovers swear by a 'hands-off' approach, recommending that Zamioculcas thrives best when it is left alone and tended to sparingly. Although this plant can survive without prolonged access to light and water, it does not necessarily thrive under such circumstances. If a blooming Zamioculcas is your ambition, a bit of time, attention, and luck are necessary.

My zz plant finally bloomed.
My zz plant finally bloomed.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Kokhan O

How can you make your Zamioculcas bloom?

In its natural environment, Zamioculcas yields lush inflorescences, but when grown domestically, it may not always enjoy the optimal conditions for this to happen. Therefore, it is crucial to provide these conditions and offer it what is best for it. Its inflorescences form like a cob and stand out with their yellow color and length, which can reach up to about 2.75 inches. An interesting trait of Zamioculcas is that it sprouts buds directly from the root ball, unlike other potted plants which bloom from leaf ends, as commonly believed.

Having trouble getting your Zamioculcas to bloom?

The African native, Zamioculcas, tends to bloom during the rainy season. This offers a vital hint on how to care for it. Even though our homes are not tropical forests, we can still attempt to create a similar environment. Adequate air humidity can prompt Zamioculcas to form buds, a goal that a humidifier can help achieve. By using this, we can maintain humidity levels between 50 and 60 percent, as opposed to the usual 30 percent. Though some might worry about potential health hazards from this method, rest assured there are no risks.

What else can help Zamioculcas bloom?

If your Zamioculcas is placed in the darkest corner of the room, it's certain that it won't bloom. It's not a widely known fact that this plant requires sunlight for almost 16 hours a day! You could either relocate your plant to an east or west-facing windowsill or supplement it with artificial light to see substantial improvements. Zamioculcas also needs periods of rest to bloom. This implies giving it time to regenerate in colder temperatures while ensuring you don't overwater it. The cold winter season is an optimal time to encourage blooming; just place your plant on the porch.

Even after following these steps, if your Zamioculcas does not produce flowers, it may need repotting. Choose light, well-draining soil. The best option would be soil meant for succulents. Be sure to line the bottom of the pot with expanded clay to help drain excess water. And don't forget fertilizing your Zamioculcas as a final push towards getting it to bloom. A simple homemade solution of banana peel fertilizer watered in once every two weeks should suffice.

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