Tips&TricksUnlock the secret to a blooming Peace Lily: NASA-approved, air-purifying plant loves homemade fertilizers

Unlock the secret to a blooming Peace Lily: NASA-approved, air‑purifying plant loves homemade fertilizers

Research has shown, through the works of scientists at NASA, that the Peace Lily is one of just a few plants that can purify the air of toxins. These include benzene, xylene, formaldehyde, and ammonia. Despite being from a tropical climate, the Peace Lily can be domesticated easily.

Blooming spathiphyllum
Blooming spathiphyllum
Images source: © Getty Images | Olga Ostapenko

To encourage it to bloom beautiful, white flowers, similar to lilies, it needs to be placed in the right location, use the suitable soil, and receive the correct fertilizer. We will explain how to tend to a Peace Lily to have it blooming in no time.

How to Care for Your Peace Lily

Peace lilies are relatively easy to grow. All you need to do is follow simple guidelines; these plants will reward you with their phenomenal beauty. Let’s start with the basics – the soil. Peace lilies flourish best in slightly moist, fertile, and organic soil. Unfortunately, they're susceptible to overwatering. To counter this, place some perlite at the bottom of the pot to protect the roots from rot. Also, once a year, preferably in the spring, repot the plant to a larger pot.

The correct location is just as important. Despite the Peace Lily’s tropical origins, it should not be exposed to high levels of sunlight. Instead, place it in a semi-shade for optimal growth. A humidifier near the plant would be a good addition as Peace Lilies typically grow faster in a room with high humidity.

Meeting the above conditions is already a step towards success. On top of that, fertilizing the plant will result in larger, greener leaves and an abundant bloom of beautiful flowers from the stem. So, which fertilizer should you opt for? Homemade is the best and safest. This can be prepared using coffee grounds, banana peels, or onion skins.

Interestingly, another homemade fertilizer doesn't receive much attention but yields excellent results. A brew made from bay leaves not only accelerates the growth but also enhances the development of the plant. How do you prepare for this? Place four bay leaves in a pot, then add about a quart of water. Bring the mixture to a boil. After it cools down completely, remove the leaves from the brew and transfer it into a bottle. Use this to water the plant once a week throughout the vegetation period. Before long, you should observe the Peace Lily blossoming with new buds.

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