LifestyleUnlock lush lawns: The power of proper spring fertilization

Unlock lush lawns: The power of proper spring fertilization

If you dream of a fluffy, delicate, and juicily green grass carpet, the beginning of May is the ideal time for rejuvenation. Once you've completed the stages of raking, scarification, and overseeding, nourishing your lawn with the right nutrients is essential.

The grass requires regular fertilization.
The grass requires regular fertilization.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Riding, rolling, scarification, aeration, overseeding, and fertilization should be undertaken right after winter to enjoy lush, green, and soft grass. Today, we're zeroing in on the crucial aspect of lawn care: fertilization. When beginning to fertilize, there are two key rules to adhere to.

Yearning for thick grass? Mark this date

The initial nutrient application should happen after the lawn's first mow, no later than May. Equally vital as timing is the choice of fertilizer. Opt for products high in nitrogen readily available at any gardening store. Look for items marked as “spring fertilizer.” These come in granular, powdered, or liquid forms, all effective.

Fertilize your lawn in early spring, summer, and the onset of fall to ensure it remains healthy until winter.

Before fertilizing, it's prudent to aerate the soil using tools like a fork or rake. Adhering to the manufacturer's dosage recommendations is crucial. Exceeding the advised amount can backfire, weakening the grassroots. Instead of achieving a vibrant green, your turf might turn yellow and dry out.

Always check the weather forecast before fertilizing. Applying it on a cloudy day before rain is optimal as it allows the nutrients to seep deeper into the soil, boosting the turf’s health more effectively.

Effective lawn fertilization: Don't overlook biohumus

In the intervals between fertilizer applications, enrich the soil with biohumus for added nourishment. This natural fertilizer, produced by earthworms, should be applied before the onset of hot weather to prevent grass depletion.

To apply, mix biohumus with water at a 1:10 ratio, then water your lawn with this solution using a watering can.

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