NewsUkrainians flee to Moldova amid strict conscription crackdown

Ukrainians flee to Moldova amid strict conscription crackdown

War in Ukraine. Illustrative photo
War in Ukraine. Illustrative photo
Images source: © East News | LIBKOS

5:06 PM EDT, July 10, 2024

Since the beginning of the war, around 23,500 Ukrainians have illegally crossed into Moldova, reports the local section of Radio Free Europe, citing border guard data. Those detained are not punished, and many continue further into Europe. "I am fleeing from death," emphasizes Vasyl, who is heading to Poland.

From February 24, 2022, until May 31, 2024, approximately 23,500 Ukrainians have illegally entered Moldova. These are men of conscription age, as this group faces restrictions at the border with Moldova.

Ukrainians are fleeing to Moldova

According to statistics from local services, which Radio Europa Libera Moldova references, around 15,000 Ukrainians aged 18-59 crossed into Moldova illegally from the start of the war until the end of last year. The number of escapees increased after Ukrainian authorities tightened mobilization conditions in April.

Radio Europa Libera Moldova notes that fleeing mobilization in Ukraine, which is penalized, is not treated as a crime in Moldova. As explained by the head of the Moldovan border guard, Ruslan Galusca, Ukrainians who were detained immediately after illegally crossing the border or who officially sought international protection at a station or the migration inspectorate "were not punished for illegal entry."

Formally, foreigners can use four types of legal protection in Moldova: refugee status, humanitarian protection, temporary protection (introduced last year), and political asylum.

In the first 14 months since the introduction of temporary protection, almost 12,800 Ukrainians have used this right.

They continue further, including to Poland

The portal reports that many Ukrainians crossing the border with Moldova illegally do so intending to continue their journey to European Union countries, citing the story of Vasyl.

Vasyl, a Ukrainian who arrived in Moldova in April and is heading to Poland, admitted that he paid $10,000 to traffickers who transported him across the Dniester on a motorboat.

"I am not fleeing because I do not love Ukraine. I am fleeing from death. It hurts me to see people dying in my country, and I do not want to be next," he said.

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