NewsUkrainian forces repel Russian assault in Vovchansk: heavy fighting persists

Ukrainian forces repel Russian assault in Vovchansk: heavy fighting persists

"Two days". Russian reveals army plans
"Two days". Russian reveals army plans
Images source: © Instagram

5:32 AM EDT, May 17, 2024

Anton Heraszczenko, advisor to the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, frequently shares material on his profile on X (formerly Twitter) showing the ongoing war in Ukraine. This time, he presented a video of a Russian soldier revealing the plans of Vladimir Putin's army, which, once again, failed.

Ukrainian forces are taking decisive action to thwart attempts to capture Vovchansk, a city near the border with Russia.

The enemy's plans to penetrate deeper into the urban area of Vovchansk and establish a foothold there were foiled. Our units continue combat operations within Vovchansk, in the northern part of the city. (...) The situation is under control,

Reads a statement from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook.

According to Anton Heraszczenko, a Russian soldier from the 138th Guards Motor Rifle Brigade, Andrei Jurgens, was captured in Vovchansk. He said his brigade, along with the 25th Motor Rifle Brigade, was tasked with capturing the city "in two days."

In the Vovchansk area, Ukrainian defense has been significantly reinforced, and strikes against the enemy are becoming increasingly effective.

The Russians are unable to drive our soldiers out of their positions in the city and its surroundings. The Russian offensive in the northern part of the Kharkiv region has significantly slowed down. Russian assault groups have suffered losses but have not yet been defeated; heavy fighting continues,

New information from Vovchansk

According to the statement, by Thursday at 7:30 PM (1:30 PM Eastern Time), the Russians had carried out 32 airstrikes using 38 guided bombs and conducted 181 artillery shellings. The General Staff assured that Ukrainian forces were holding the defensive lines and not allowing the enemy to penetrate deeper into the country.

In the last 24 hours, there have been 87 combat clashes. The enemy is leveraging its numerical and equipment advantages to increase pressure on the Defense Forces' positions. Ukrainian defenders are repelling the occupiers' attacks and inflicting maximum losses on the enemy.
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