TechU.S. secret shuttle X-37B begins 7th orbital mission using SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket

U.S. secret shuttle X‑37B begins 7th orbital mission using SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket

Consisting of three connected modules, the Falcon Heavy was launched from a pad at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. The successful launch occurred following more than two weeks of unsuccessful attempts and delays.

Unmanned shuttle X-37B
Unmanned shuttle X-37B
Images source: © United States Air Force | Michael Stonecypher

X-37B commences seventh mission

The Falcon Heavy rocket carried the X-37B vehicle, built by Boeing, into space. This vehicle, roughly the size of a small bus, resembles a miniature space shuttle. Its primary function is to deploy various payloads in orbit and conduct technological experiments. Upon mission completion, the spacecraft navigates through the atmosphere and lands on a runway like an airplane.

Since 2010, the X-37B has conducted six missions. The Atlas V rockets, owned by United Launch Alliance - a joint venture of Boeing and Lockheed Martin - were used for the first five missions. In May 2020, the miniature shuttle was launched using SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket, owned by Elon Musk.

While the Pentagon has not disclosed the altitude at which the X-37B will be deployed this time, experts speculate that the Falcon Heavy could launch the vehicle into a highly elliptical Earth orbit approximately 21,748 miles (rounded from 35,000 kilometers) from Earth or even on a trajectory that could bring it close to the Moon.

The X-37B also conducts NASA experiments to study radiation's effects on plant seeds during prolonged exposure in space. The potential of growing plants in space is a significant consideration in plans to supply astronauts with food during future extended missions to the Moon and Mars.

On December 14, China launched the covert miniature shuttle Shenlong into space.

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