HealthTwo cups a day: The beneficial brew that could extend your life

Two cups a day: The beneficial brew that could extend your life

Two cups a day are enough. It lowers blood pressure and regulates cholesterol.
Two cups a day are enough. It lowers blood pressure and regulates cholesterol.
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11:18 AM EDT, May 13, 2024

Tea is the second most popular drink worldwide, right after water. Its health benefits are backed by science. It boosts concentration, is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, and helps regulate cholesterol levels. But what types of tea should we drink, and how much should we maximize these benefits?

Drinking tea is a cherished daily ritual worldwide. For many, a day without their preferred cup of tea is unimaginable. Black tea stands out as the favorite. Nevertheless, the appeal and consumption of green, red, and white tea varieties are rising.

Health benefits of tea

The simple preparation and distinctive flavor of tea contribute to its global popularity. Importantly, tea is also incredibly healthy. A single cup offers a range of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin K, theine (caffeine), potassium, fluoride, copper, zinc, manganese, calcium, and fluoride.

Tea is particularly valued for its antioxidants, crucial for human health. These include polyphenols, flavonoids, and catechins. Collectively, antioxidants combat the damaging effects of free radicals and have anti-inflammatory properties. The antioxidants in two cups of tea surpass those in a glass of red wine or four apples.

In 2022, the National Institutes of Health, a prominent American research organization, reported the findings from a study involving half a million participants. The study revealed that drinking at least two cups of tea daily could decrease the risk of death by up to 13% compared with non-tea drinkers.

Optimal Daily Tea Intake

Drinking two to three cups of tea daily can significantly benefit our health. Consistent consumption enhances concentration and helps manage cholesterol levels. Tea has a comforting, stimulating effect, aids digestion, and supports the balance of gut bacteria.

Tea has numerous advantages. For instance, the cystatin in tea acts as a blood thinner and prevents clotting. Regular tea consumption is also associated with a lower risk of stroke.

Nevertheless, it's crucial to drink tea in moderation, considering both the quantity and strength of the brew. No more than four cups of tea are advised daily. The ideal time for a cup is an hour after a meal, emphasizing the importance of quality tea.

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