FoodTurn your trash into a treat. Cooking with potato peels amid rising inflation

Turn your trash into a treat. Cooking with potato peels amid rising inflation

Often, potato peels meet their end in the trash, as not everyone is aware of their potential second life. Firstly, potato peels are beneficial to your health; they are valuable sources of fiber that aid metabolic activities, and surprisingly, they contain less cholesterol, fat, and sodium than the potato itself.

Recipe for dinner with potato peels
Recipe for dinner with potato peels
Images source: © Pixabay

Potato peels can be utilized in numerous ways: you can turn them into fries or chips, use them for creating broth, or as a crispy addition to your soups. We have a recipe for a dish with a few readily available ingredients that might already be in your refrigerator. It is no wonder that this recipe is trending on TikTok amidst rising inflation!

How to Prepare a Meal with Potato Peels: Required Ingredients

  • Peels from a few potatoes
  • 4-5 tablespoons of heavy cream
  • 1.8 oz of your favorite yellow cheese
  • A little butter or olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of oregano, thyme, or marjoram
  • Salt and pepper to taste

How to Prepare a Meal with Potato Peels: Cooking Method

  • Prepare a suitable container, such as a loaf pan or an ovenproof dish, and grease it with butter or oil
  • Mix the cream with the spices and salt
  • Wash and dry the peels. Layer them in the dish, alternating with the seasoned cream
  • Top with grated cheese
  • Bake in an oven preheated to 392 degrees F for 20 minutes

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