NewsTrump's words about NATO backlash

Trump's words about NATO backlash

Trump's words about NATO backlash
Images source: © PAP | PAP/EPA/HUNTER CONE

7:31 AM EST, February 15, 2024

The former President of the United States has recently said shocking things about the NATO alliances. Echoes of his words are being heard around the globe, but they also are causing many disturbances in the Republican party.

Tense geopolitical situation

Is the potential second Trump administration going to weaken the NATO alliance? Voices all over the world are raising concerns. The geopolitical situation has not been so tense since the end of the Cold War era. The war in Ukraine will soon reach its two-year mark, the war between Israel and Hamas is still ongoing, and the humanitarian crisis in Palestine is unbelievably gruesome; China threatens Taiwan, and Iran is launching missiles on the American bases and killing American soldiers serving in the Middle East. Can the situation be possibly worse?

Internal issues

Among all of this happening, Donald Trump decided to give his opinion about the NATO alliance's terms of operation and has said shocking words about the financial thresholds and the possibilities of help to the several countries being the members of the coalition, questioning the existence of the famous article 5 of the NATO tractate.

But Trump's words have not only been heard around the globe. They have significantly impacted the situation in the Republican Party, especially considering the additional context of upcoming presidential elections. Some of the Republicans are trying to ease the effect of Trump's words and claim that they have been just innocent sarcasm. One of those politicians is Senator Tommy Tuberville, who commented:

It’s all sarcasm. It’s all about paying the price. You know, most of ’em haven’t done that,

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Further questions arise after this comment. Some of the Republicans are less satisfied and willing to justify Trump's words. Senator James Lankford has signified his stronger view of Trump's public fantasies:

I don’t agree by any means that we should turn away from our allies. That, number one, has never been done before, nor should be done. Obviously, everyone has an obligation to be able to fill their obligation, but to say, we’ll let you be killed if you don’t, is the wrong way to go.

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The full effects of Donald Trump's words shall be seen in the future. History shall judge, but do not be deceived; it is happening now.

Sources: The Hill; The New York Times

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