NewsTrump's return heralds "golden age" for America and allies

Trump's return heralds "golden age" for America and allies

Donald Trump returns to the presidency of the United States. The seasoned politician spoke after defeating Kamala Harris in the election. Trump announced that the "golden age of America" is approaching.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Images source: © Getty Images | 2024 Getty Images

It is now practically inevitable that Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. In light of this, he delivered a jubilant statement. At the outset, he addressed his supporters. "This was a movement like nobody's ever seen before," he said.

Trump added that he intend to help the country, and wants to heal it. He stated that Americans have a nation that needs assistance and so he will "fix" the borders and address everything that requires attention.

He then declared that "this is most incredible political victory our country has never seen before."

Every citizen, I will fight for you, for your family, and your future. Every single day, I will be fighting for you with every breath in my body," emphasized Donald Trump.

Donald Trump announces "golden age of America"

The politician also proclaimed that the "golden age of America" is approaching.

This will truly be the golden age of America, that is what we have to have. This is a magnificent victory for the American people that will allow us to Make America Great Again. I want to thank the nation for electing me as president," he conveyed.

Trump assured his supporters that they will be proud of their choice.

The number of victories in the Senate was absolutely incredible," added the new president of the United States in his speech.

He also noted the possibility that his party might take over the House of Representatives.

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