US NewsTrump's election loss could spark nationwide chaos

Trump's election loss could spark nationwide chaos

The German newspaper "Sueddeutsche Zeitung" assessed that the USA must prepare for the worst if Donald Trump narrowly loses the presidential election. According to the newspaper, dissatisfied supporters of the Republican candidate are capable of causing chaos in the country.

According to experts, Donald Trump will not come to terms with a potential defeat.
According to experts, Donald Trump will not come to terms with a potential defeat.
Images source: © PAP | PAP/EPA/CJ GUNTHER

According to "Sueddeutsche Zeitung," Donald Trump has been laying the groundwork for months by telling his supporters that he can only lose if the other side commits fraud. This rhetoric aims to undermine any unfavorable election results against him.

Is chaos threatening the USA?

The newspaper emphasizes that dissatisfied Trump supporters may take to the streets and cause chaos in the country. "It doesn't take much imagination to foresee what a mob incited by Trump might look like in a country with nearly 400 million firearms. There is a threat of chaos and violence at a level previously seen in the USA only in the movies,” warns "Sueddeutsche Zeitung".

"Although it sounds brutal, if Trump loses the election, the state must be prepared for an attack, because the internal enemy, so often mentioned recently by Trump, is himself," it was written.

In the newspaper's opinion, the United States is in a very difficult situation. "If Trump loses the election, especially if he loses narrowly, the USA must prepare for the worst. And if he wins, all the more so," concluded "Sueddeutsche Zeitung".

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