NewsTrump's Atlanta charm offensive. Milkshakes with voters amid 2024 buzz

Trump's Atlanta charm offensive. Milkshakes with voters amid 2024 buzz

Former President Donald Trump stopped in Atlanta at the popular Chick-fil-A chain on Wednesday, ordering 30 milkshakes to share with customers. Trump is considered one of the frontrunners for the presidential elections in the United States scheduled for November 2024.

Unexpected behavior of Trump. This is how he fights for voters.
Unexpected behavior of Trump. This is how he fights for voters.
Images source: © Getty Images | Megan Varner

Trump surprises many Americans with his unexpected visit, as reported by local station 11Alive. At 77, the former president chose the famous restaurant for a lunchtime appearance.
"Hello everyone," Trump greeted as he approached the counter, praising the staff. He inquired about the day's special before mentioning his familiarity with the Chick-fil-A menu.

A video that surfaced online captured a moment when a Black woman embraced Trump at Chick-fil-A and told him, "I don't care what the media tells you, Mr. Trump; we support you."

Chick-fil-A, a company 55 years in operation with over 2,800 locations in the USA, Canada, and Puerto Rico, has been controversial due to backlash from LGBT+ rights groups. This criticism slowed its expansion into the UK last year.
The Cathy family, which owns the chain, has historically donated to various organizations, some of which have been linked to anti-LGBT+ views, including Exodus International, an organization advocating for "conversion therapy" for homosexuals.

The 2024 Elections in the USA as seen by the "Wall Street Journal"

The "Wall Street Journal" recently published a poll from March 17th to March 24th, suggesting that Donald Trump leads over current president Joe Biden in six of the seven states surveyed.

The poll highlights Trump's edge, showing a six-point lead in North Carolina, five in Arizona, four in Nevada, and three in Michigan and Pennsylvania, as he seeks to reclaim the presidency.

The survey found that only 28% of respondents believe that 81-year-old Biden is in sufficiently good mental and physical condition to pursue another term as president.

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