EntertainmentTrump praises Taylor Swift's beauty but questions her politics

Trump praises Taylor Swift's beauty but questions her politics

77-year-old Donald Trump showered praise on Taylor Swift's beauty. The former US president appreciated the global pop star's pretty face and beautiful blonde hair.

Donald Trump simps for Taylor Swift. "It's a shame she's so liberated"
Donald Trump simps for Taylor Swift. "It's a shame she's so liberated"
Images source: © Instagram

Taylor Swift is currently one of the biggest pop music stars worldwide. Her name is mentioned alongside the biggest stage veterans: Madonna, Lady Gaga, and Rihanna. It is worth noting that Taylor Swift did not quickly reach the peak of her career. Her gigantic rise came in the post-pandemic years, although she released her debut album in 2006—her journey has been truly long.

The artist is considered one of the most influential people, and conspiracy theories claim that the American government is behind her entire persona. The star is said to have a gigantic influence on young people (especially young Americans), and it was mentioned that her support could significantly tip the scales in the presidential race.

Donald Trump spoke about the star in a "favorable" way. The Republican revealed his thoughts about Taylor Swift in the book "Apprentice in Wonderland: How Donald Trump and Mark Burnett Took America Through the Looking Glass," authored by "Variety" co-editor-in-chief Ramin Setoodeh.

Donald Trump is impressed with Taylor Swift: "I think she is very beautiful"

The former president of the USA admitted that the artist is a huge star and appreciated the quality of her music. At the same time, what caught his attention the most was the singer's beauty, which he did not hesitate to praise loudly.

"I think she is beautiful—very beautiful! I think she is very beautiful. However, I think she is liberal. She probably doesn’t like Trump. I've heard she is very talented. I think she is very beautiful—incredibly beautiful!" repeated the businessman.

Trump also could not believe how Taylor Swift maintained her popularity while being "liberated and playing country music at the same time." He was surprised when the journalist made him realize that the artist had long since shifted towards pop music.

Despite the rumors about Taylor Swift and her alleged conservatism, the artist openly supported two Democratic candidates in October 2018. She endorsed Phil Bredesen in the Senate elections and Jim Cooper in the House of Representatives elections. Both ran from the state of Tennessee.

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