NewsTrump picks liberty energy CEO wright for energy secretary

Trump picks liberty energy CEO wright for energy secretary

It happened while you were sleeping. Here's what the world agencies reported overnight from Saturday to Sunday.

It happened at night. Russian ships off the EU coast
It happened at night. Russian ships off the EU coast
Images source: © East News | IMAGO

  • The President-elect of the United States, Donald Trump, nominated Chris Wright, an entrepreneur and CEO of Liberty Energy, as Secretary of Energy on Saturday. His task will be to "reduce administrative bureaucracy" to stimulate investment in fossil fuels.
  • Iran is prepared for confrontation or cooperation regarding its nuclear program, said Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Aragczi in an interview with state television on Saturday.

Admiral Henrique Gouveia e Melo, the Portuguese Navy commander, reported on Saturday that the presence of Russian naval vessels in waters under Portuguese jurisdiction has significantly increased in recent days

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  • Israeli troops advanced further into Lebanon than at any time since their invasion of the country's south in early October, then withdrew after fighting, reported Lebanese state media on Saturday.
  • A completed 8-foot telescope was delivered to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. This will become the main component of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope mission. With its help, astronomers will conduct observations of the edges of the Solar System, distant planets, and objects at the boundaries of the visible universe.

Source: PAP

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