LifestyleTrouble sleeping due to digestive issues? Try this homemade remedy using everyday ingredients

Trouble sleeping due to digestive issues? Try this homemade remedy using everyday ingredients

Drink for a week, and you will feel the difference.
Drink for a week, and you will feel the difference.
Images source: © Instagram | @sprytne_triki

7:54 AM EST, January 13, 2024

Let's admit it: not everyone always eats healthily. Excessive indulgence in greasy meals, sweets, and highly processed foods can wreak havoc on our bodies. As a result, various unpleasant sensations and digestive issues surface that we hope to resolve as soon as possible. However, we may not always have immediate access to healing resources. Instead of scouring for a pharmacy that operates 24/7, why not head to the kitchen and concoct a perfect home remedy for an upset stomach?

Homemade remedies for digestive problems: Reach out for these ingredients

If you're keen on preparing this beneficial drink, you'll need the following ingredients. These aren't exotic items, just regular, everyday products you most likely already have at home:

  • 3 cucumbers,
  • juice from 1 lemon,
  • a small piece of ginger,
  • a handful of mint leaves

First, peel and chop the cucumbers into smaller pieces. Blend these with the ginger, lemon juice, mint leaves, and a glass of water. Once the ingredients are well combined, strain the mixture through a sieve or cheesecloth. For the best results, consume this beverage regularly, ideally right before bedtime, as it supports our stressed digestive system.

This beverage aids the digestive system: Healthy methods prove the most effective

A natural concoction made from ginger, cucumber, and lemon greatly benefits the digestive system by promoting digestion and purging the body of toxins. The recipe was recently shared by an Instagram user who goes by the alias @sprytne_triki, demonstrating how to create it.

Besides this, there are other ways to assist yourself daily. Spicy seasonings such as pepper, chili, and ginger, along with herbs like marjoram, coriander, parsley, and caraway seeds, each have a beneficial effect on digestion. Citrus fruits are effective in fighting toxins, hence it's good to add their juice to warm water and consume it on an empty stomach. Cinnamon can be sprinkled on your morning coffee to aid weight control.

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